Our travel journal of New Zealand





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Australia 10th May 1998

Our circular tour of New Zealand.
On the 29th march we landed – in pouring rain and without garlands of flowers to welcome us, then the South Pacific layed behind us – in Auckland. Auckland is a city of yachtsmen with their large harbours and a ship museum.


This is really worth visiting. The next day we are greeted by our Swiss courier-Hampi and by the apero. We are introduced to our fellow travellers – 25 people from different nations – Germans, Austrians and Swiss. Hampi gives us important information about our group journey.

The next day we travel north through Kauri forest (because the wood of the Kauri trees is very sturdy, it was used for ship building, houses and furniture – today these trees are the protection of nature conservation) to "Ruetli-Wiese" from New Zealand, where in 1940 a peace-treaty was signed between the English and Maoris (the native inhabitants of New Zealand). (Information for non-Swiss: - a the "Ruetli-Wiese" on the lake to Vierwaldstaetter in 1291 – the Swiss confederation was grounded with the "Ruetli" oath.

The journey continues further with a special bus to the north cap of New Zealand. The most northern point of the country. Here the Pacific and Tasmanian ocean meet – with one can observe through recognisable waves. The way back takes us over a Sandy Beach – The 90 Miles Beach. For a time we travel through water – without any problems thanks to a special water-proof bus.

Hotwater Beach

Our next destination leads us to the Hot Water Beach – that is located on the east coast. The programme when we arrive is "relaxation" here we dig bathtubs in the sand that automatically fill up with hot water. Afterwards we visit a cave with thousands of glow-worms – a fantastic phenomenon. Our next destination was Rotorua, here lays a sulphur odour in the air witch is caused by bubbling sulphur springs and hot geysers. Rotorua is also the meeting place of the Maoris. We were invited to traditional meal that was prepared on the Hangi (earth oven).

After a visit through the volcanic scenery we reach the schi area the New Zealanders. The schi season begins here in June (then it is winter here) although one had a impression of things to come.

We travel further on a very calm sea with a ship from Wellington (the capital of New Zealand with 324'600 inhabitants) on the northern island and on to Nelson on the southern island. We travel through wine – growing regions and take the opportunity to taste a sample of the wine – growers splendid wine further we now travel to the west coast through different national parks – which through their geological peculiarity appear as pancakes on top of one another or through their rare number of timber trees. In an old gold digger town we try our luck with gold – washing and as no-one in our group was struck by gold fever, we travelled together further. Our route leads us through hilly coastal scenery to the
Franz Josef Glacier.


One of The greatest businesses here in New Zealand are the sheep. There are 50 times more sheep than people. We took the opportunity to visit a sheep farm and were able to observe the sheep drive with special dogs, also we able to watch sheep – shearing.

Our trip takes us further to the most southern point of our journey – it was the Milford Sound with a ship we can enjoy the beauty of the scenery that takes us through the fjord to the sea.

Milford Sound
Milford Sound

We travel along the east coast. direction north, and come slowly to the end of our trip to New Zealand. On the way we visit the Moeraki Boulders, a stone formation with a 4 meter diameter and over more tons of weight, that originated for over 60 million years. In the Sea. Our destination leads us through a watery area – the corn chamber of New Zealand - to Christchurch – (a university town with 300'000 inhabitants) the end of our New Zealand concludes on the 16th April.



Our next destination is Australia.

Home State 2.5.99